Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Matters To Me

Image result for best friend  What matters to me is friends. They are there when you need them. I hope to still be friends with the ones I have now for the rest of my life. I probably would't get through high school with out them.

    My friends are there in my craziest moments and when I feel like I'm out of it. They cheer me up and help me when I'm mad or upset. We talk about each others problems and try to solve them by telling what I would've done. 

    My friends are just as crazy and weird as I am, no wonder why we get along so well. We never get in fights or argue about something. If I get mad at one of them I walk off so I won't make it worse. I stay away for the rest of the day because I don't want to bring it up again. I also stay away so I won't blow up if they say something about what I said about them making me mad. I only had one small problem but we got over it. 

    If it wasn't for my friends high school wouldn't be fun. I would be bored out of my mind at lunch and at break. If I had no one to talk to, I would end up not talking at all that day. Once I hadn't talked for a while, its hard to start talking again.

    I really appreciate my friends for being there for me last year. My summer got worse by the month but I survived thanks to them. I hope to be able to continue to have fun with them and laugh with them the rest of my life. 


  1. Friends matter so much to me too! They are so much like family! Its amazing to have great friends to talk to about everything

    1. I talk to mine about everything, too. I probably can't survive high school without them.

  2. Replies
    1. I hope to stay friends with the ones I have now.
