Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What I'm Passionate About

      My passion is running Cross Country. I don't know why I started running but when Coach Cory came to JMS to talk about running for the team, I wanted to try it out. I didn't like it much when I started out because I didn't know what I was doing. Coach led me in the right way and I got the hang of it. I made state my freshmen year. It was the coldest race ever. 
      I started running when I was 12 turning 13 when season kicks off. Coach Cory asked the students at JMS and JHS to run for the team and tried out. We would be getting ready for the season during the summer. Coach

Image result for cross country family quotesCory would message us every morning before the race giving his best of wishes to our meet that day and asks how the meet went. He told us how excited we was when we made state. When it did kick off, that's when we worked harder and longer.  It helped out so much because we only had a few weeks before our first race. We race throughout September and October. We only raced in November if we made state. We kept going through the same thing each year. My third year running Coach Cory moved before season started. We ended up getting a new coach, Coach Dustin, that is just as good as Coach Cory. The whole team had a great season that year and most of the team made state. 
       I don't know it came to for me to love running. I started it and its hard for me to quit. I guess I like it so much because it helps with stressing out over school and if I had a bad day.  

      I do think this will always be my passion because I hope to run the rest of my high  school years and get a scholarship in athletics and run for that college I choose to go to. I'm going to try my best these next three years to made state again and that will help me out getting a scholarship. 
    I really don't know how to share this with others because not everyone likes to run. There is a lot of other sports for people to try out. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

New Technology

Image result for fixd      The new technology I chose to right about is called FIXD. It is a gadget that helps figure out what is wrong with your car. You plug it in the OBD in your car and it sends the information of what needs to be fixed to your phone.

      This gadget was made by students in Atlanta, Georgia. They were tired of their friends and family getting taken advantage of by auto shop workers. So they made this to help find problems withing your car and tell you how much it should cost to get it fixed.

      Only thing you have to do is plug it into the OBD in your car and sync it to your phone. Once you do that it should automatically tell you problems in your car. When your check engine comes on, it automatically says the problem. If it isn't that serious, the app lets you turn the check engine light off.

      You would think that this costs a hundred dollars, your wrong. It costs only $59. The founders of this made it more affordable to buy so they can help as many people as possible. They think this will help with problems getting scammed at auto repair shops.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spring Break Plans

Image result for mississippi      My Spring Break plans are to sleep late Monday through Wednesday so I would be rested for the long ride to Mississippi the following Thursday. We are leaving between 10:30 and 11:00 pm because of my Orthodontics appointment that morning. We won't get to Mississippi till that night. That's why I need a lot of rest. Only time we are stopping is to use the restroom. We are eating in the car.
      We are going to Mississippi to visit family there. We are seeing my great aunt and uncle and my cousins. One of my cousins had a baby boy sometime last year so I get to see him. The last time we visited was when the youngest girl was just a baby. She is five years old now. The second oldest girl cousin is a barrel racer. She might be able to teach me how to ride a horse while we visit. They have a little Shetland Pony and my middle brother wants to learn how to ride, too.

Image result for bass pro shop in memphis tennessee      Next Saturday is my oldest brother's birthday. That day we are going to the Memphis Tennessee Zoo and they supposedly built legos to be there at the zoo that day. If it is raining, we will go to the huge Bass Pro Shop there. It is humongous! It has a hotel at it and a glass floor you can walk on outside. We will probably coming back that Sunday.

Friday, March 15, 2019

St. Patrick's Day

Image result for st patricks day clipart

Image result for rainbow with pot of gold clipart     St. Patrick's day is held on March 17th every year. It is a national holiday for Ireland. People will have a day off for work for this holiday. The color for this holiday is green and if you don't wear green, you will get pinched. At first blue was the color for the holiday but it changed to green because Ireland is called the "Emerald Isle." People would wear green ribbons and shamrocks on this day.
Image result for leprechaun
     St. Patrick's Day is named after a famous patron names Saint Patrick who had died March 17, 461 AD, but he was actually English. His given name was Maewyn Succat. If he did not legally change his name, this holiday would be called Maewyn Succat Day instead. He was caught as a slave when he was 16 and tended sheep. He had escaped back to England and became a priest then he took his teachings to Ireland.

     The reason why we get pinched on St. Patrick's day for not wearing green because people believed that if you wore green, the leprechauns can't see you. If you don't wear green, the leprechauns can see you and they will pinch you. We wear green on this holiday because it also represented the Irish culture. They came to America celebrating with this color on them.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

My Animal

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      If I was an animal, I would be a horse.  They are beautiful animals and fast runners that can go a long distance. They run track races and can run 2.4 km in a little under 1 minuet or barely over a minute. I'm not a track runner though, I run cross country. I'm not that fast but still can go distance. 

      Horses can run great speeds and still go long distance. The fastest 1 1/4 mile race by a horse was 1.59.4 minuets. When I run 1 1/4 miles, it takes me at least between 8 to 10 minutes to run that far. Secretariat Secretariat was the fastest horse in history of derby racing. This horse also became a Triple Crown winner.

The Triple Crown Race was a race for thoroughbred 3 year old horses. These horses was crowned when they won a derby race. I never completely won a race but I have been first, second, and third for girls my age in races. The third place was in an actual cross country race but the other two were fun runs for charity events. I like to run in charity events during the summer to help me get ready whats coming in September.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Matters To Me

Image result for best friend  What matters to me is friends. They are there when you need them. I hope to still be friends with the ones I have now for the rest of my life. I probably would't get through high school with out them.

    My friends are there in my craziest moments and when I feel like I'm out of it. They cheer me up and help me when I'm mad or upset. We talk about each others problems and try to solve them by telling what I would've done. 

    My friends are just as crazy and weird as I am, no wonder why we get along so well. We never get in fights or argue about something. If I get mad at one of them I walk off so I won't make it worse. I stay away for the rest of the day because I don't want to bring it up again. I also stay away so I won't blow up if they say something about what I said about them making me mad. I only had one small problem but we got over it. 

    If it wasn't for my friends high school wouldn't be fun. I would be bored out of my mind at lunch and at break. If I had no one to talk to, I would end up not talking at all that day. Once I hadn't talked for a while, its hard to start talking again.

    I really appreciate my friends for being there for me last year. My summer got worse by the month but I survived thanks to them. I hope to be able to continue to have fun with them and laugh with them the rest of my life.