Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Matters To Me

Image result for best friend  What matters to me is friends. They are there when you need them. I hope to still be friends with the ones I have now for the rest of my life. I probably would't get through high school with out them.

    My friends are there in my craziest moments and when I feel like I'm out of it. They cheer me up and help me when I'm mad or upset. We talk about each others problems and try to solve them by telling what I would've done. 

    My friends are just as crazy and weird as I am, no wonder why we get along so well. We never get in fights or argue about something. If I get mad at one of them I walk off so I won't make it worse. I stay away for the rest of the day because I don't want to bring it up again. I also stay away so I won't blow up if they say something about what I said about them making me mad. I only had one small problem but we got over it. 

    If it wasn't for my friends high school wouldn't be fun. I would be bored out of my mind at lunch and at break. If I had no one to talk to, I would end up not talking at all that day. Once I hadn't talked for a while, its hard to start talking again.

    I really appreciate my friends for being there for me last year. My summer got worse by the month but I survived thanks to them. I hope to be able to continue to have fun with them and laugh with them the rest of my life. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Free Write

Image result for cross country running quotes

      Today I am going to write about my favorite hobby, cross country. I love running during the summer because it is something I can do during the summer and it helps me clear my mind because I can think about problems while running. It is a long distance running team.

      First I'm going to talk about cross country and why I like to run. I started running in 2016 and planning on running for a team throughout college. The first day I ran I didn't know what I was doing. I could not run long distance yet. For the next three days i was sore. Then I kept getting better during summer practices and after school practices.

Image result for cross country running quotes     People ask me why do I like to run cross country. Well my answer is I really don't know. When I started to run I hated it but kept going because it was something I was interested in. Now it's like I can't stop running. It feels like it is addicting to run. My mom told me that someone she knows someone that also runs and he said that it is addicting to run but don't know why it is so addicting. It is also a helps me when I am stressed. Especially this year. I was stress out about Mr. Tuberville's math class and it helped me to not stress out a lot.

   I have been running for three years going on four. I hope to keep running as long as I can. I also just run for fun sometimes. I run when Tombigbee Running Club sets up a charity run. I usually run at Run to the Light every year or Run for the Son. Run to the Light is at night time and I really like running at night. Run for the Son is early in the morning at the Old Lock. I only have been running 5Ks (3.1 miles) but I want to start running a 10K(6.2 miles).

Image result for cross country running quotes   When I started running I thought I was going to be the only girl on the team, but when I got there, there was four other girls. I was glad I wasn't the only girl there. I started talking to people on the team who I didn't think they like to run and started talking to them. Now the team is like one big family. Our coach is like a father and our teammates are brothers and sisters. I hope to run  even out of college. Maybe I can go to the Olympics and be a long distance runner for Team USA.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sharing Thoughts about Blogging

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     I didn't think blogging wouldn't be much fun, now I can write things about myself and people get to know me better. I wasn't so sure if people would like to know my thoughts about certain topics or why I enjoy certain things. It helped me write things about myself not many people knew and put myself out there because I'm not good talking about myself to people I don't know.
     It helped me improve my writing and typing skills while blogging. Now I can type better and write better when talking about certain topics. When a teacher asks me to write a certain topic, I can easily write or type about it now.
     I like blogging now because I can talk about certain topics and give my thought about that topic. It is fun typing about certain things and reading others blogs. I think everyone should be able to know how to blog and enjoy blogging.
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