Friday, January 11, 2019

Dixie Taylor


          Hi, my name is Dixie Taylor. I never wrote a blog before so I hope this goes well. Every week there will be something different to write about. Today I'm going to be writing about me so y'all can get to know me.

          I am a cross runner at the high school I attend. I have been running three years soon to be four. I started running and I wasn't that good till I kept running hard. It took long days of distance running and days of speed work. My best year was my third year running, even though I had problems with my legs hurting. Now I'm not hurting no more so my forth season will be a whole lot better. I made state for the first time my third season and I was so excited.

Image result for cross country running sayings
         I am also on the robotics team for my school. We build robots to compete against other school. The robots we build is meant to help world problems. We have competed for three years. My favorite year was bet the farm. We made it to Auburn the third year we competed. The theme was Current Events. The robot had to be on a wooden beam moving around on it while picking up bottles and turtles to put in bins and give it to the spotter. I wasn't able to go to the competition for 2018 because of cross country.
Image result for robotics competition 2018


  1. Cross country is a very hard sport and it is awesome that you spend so much time to it. You are very dedicated to it and it shows. Keep on going because you will only get better with time!

    1. Thanks! I hope to keep running throughout high school and in college.

  2. Cross country seems like it is very hard.
    I could never run cross country.
    I hope you continue to have fun running.

    1. It isn't hard once you get the hang of it, but I also been running for three years. Once you get started and practice for a while it get easier and it is fun. For me running is a stress reliever.

  3. hi Dixie I like how you did good on your blog

    1. Thanks, I'll try do better on my other ones.
