Wednesday, January 30, 2019


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                                                                 Kayla Montgomery

     The person I choose as a leader is Kayla Montgomery.  She has a disease call Multiple Sclerosis that has the effect of not being bale to feel her leg when she is hot. When she runs, she can't feel her legs and she couldn't control how fast she was going. Kayla said that she would use her arms to tell how fast she was going in a race.

     Kayla is a Cross Country runner for North Carolina and made the state title. She is at a college called Lipscomb University  in Nashville, Tennessee. She want to continue running cross country in college. At the end of every race, her coach has to be there to catch her since she can't control her legs. She would say I need some ice to cool down her legs so she can feel them again.

     Kayla is a leader because she is an example that you can push through pain and make the best of your life even tough you have a disease. She leads other student to work hard to achieve their goals in life not matter what life throws at you.

    I want to be a leader like her because she is strong and pushes her teammates to work hard and run hard. I need to be more like that on the cross country team especially if we get new team members this year. I don't want the new members to think they can't be as good as the people that have been running four to five years. My mom told me that there is always a better player ( in my case a better runner ) than you. I want the new members to work hard to become the best runner they can be.

Image result for kayla montgomery
Image result for kayla montgomery

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Dream Destination

Image result for Eiffel tower
        My dream destination is going to Paris France. I would stay at the Grand Paris Hotel, go the art museum, ride the Ferris wheel, and go to some of the famous bakeries.
   If I was to go there I would stand on the Eiffel Tower at night and look over the city. It would be gorgeous looking out over it with the lights on the tower. I would look at the moon and look down at the river. I would also go to some of the famous bakeries.  I would stay at The Grand Paris Hotel.
Image result for Smoky mountains

       Another place I want to go back to is the Smokey Mountains. It is a beautiful place to be during the spring season, though it is still may be bit cold. You get to stay in cabins while you are there. There is also a knife shop and there is bears there to look at.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Five More Minutes

    If I had five more minutes with someone it would have been my great grandmother. The day she died I was heading back from VBS at the church I attend. I was riding back with my dad because he came there as soon as he got off of work. My mom was driving her car back home with my brothers riding with her. She died in 2016.

Image result for World War II pictures    My mom called on the way back home telling what happened. As soon as I got home I ran to my room and cried the rest of the night. If I had five more minutes with her I would ask how was it having seven children. She had five girls and two boys. One of the girls is my grandmother. I would also ask about World War II because she was alive when that happened. She was also in the Great Depression.

    I would love to listen to stories she had about when she was growing up but never got to hear them. I would have told her how much I loved her and tell her stories about me. I miss going to her house on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I had fun with family there for many years.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Dixie Taylor


          Hi, my name is Dixie Taylor. I never wrote a blog before so I hope this goes well. Every week there will be something different to write about. Today I'm going to be writing about me so y'all can get to know me.

          I am a cross runner at the high school I attend. I have been running three years soon to be four. I started running and I wasn't that good till I kept running hard. It took long days of distance running and days of speed work. My best year was my third year running, even though I had problems with my legs hurting. Now I'm not hurting no more so my forth season will be a whole lot better. I made state for the first time my third season and I was so excited.

Image result for cross country running sayings
         I am also on the robotics team for my school. We build robots to compete against other school. The robots we build is meant to help world problems. We have competed for three years. My favorite year was bet the farm. We made it to Auburn the third year we competed. The theme was Current Events. The robot had to be on a wooden beam moving around on it while picking up bottles and turtles to put in bins and give it to the spotter. I wasn't able to go to the competition for 2018 because of cross country.
Image result for robotics competition 2018